Sunday 23 August 2009

The Day

Like The Day I Was Born

Like Those Misty Mountains

Freedom Eludes Me

Like The Yellow Submarine

My Cold War

Against Me

Like a Soldier

Guarding My Convictions

When Right is Wrong

When Life Is a Tool

When We Accept

God Died Long Back I Guess

And Left Us In Cold

To Fight And Die

Who's Next

Who's Gonna Set Us Free

Swine Flu

The Black Night Rain

Washing out Our Sins

The End Of Human Kind

By The Enemies We cannot Fight With Atom Bombs

My Words Will Become Alien to Me


I Will Be Free

From All My Freedom Ideas


Friday 21 August 2009

Hero Of The Day

What Differs us from being great , what is the special characteristics that differs us from the people we read 'bout in schoolbooks. Was thinking about that for a while.

A Man( Not talking 'bout any gender) is defined by the choice he makes..the course he many lives he firmly he stands behind his beliefs. We alienate them as great men ..we count them as exceptions and carry on doing our duties in predefined prescribed manner. Our knowledge sripped of all its significance renders merely as a tool to accumulate money for yourself and more importantly for a few people to become richer. We read the newspapers , not to know about the situation but merely to accumulate some random knowledge necessary for our living.

But standing at crossroad where the path bifurcates (Or Trifurcates) I am just knowing how tough it actually is to follow your own path.

Distraction are rampant. Today's world even gives cheap movie serials and soaps a chance to influence us not to mention other Weapons Of Mass Distraction. Among all the glitz and glamour and a promise of better life we lose track of our life, we have no belief , we have no ideology , we are virtually blind and fed by the mainstream. Everything is alright we presume.

Our dreams are already screwed up. We dream of buying a car , a house and maybe a beautiful wife. Among all these values fed into us our country talks about patriotism, No , given a chance every child of today would like to go to abroad for more is in accordance with the society we are living , even our parents wont object I guess.

It has always been like this, stability takes toll upon its subjects , we are afriad of change. People are here to take away your concerns about stability and continuity.

Rise up and take a stance , for a change and you will see the odds are against you .
The very system you believed in will brand you as a Critic a lunatic or in extreme case a terroist.
When I read newspapers in my childhood I believed every line of it , now I read an incident and ponder what might be ground reality.
In a recent Parliamentary Bill it is proposed that a news article should be scrutinised by the Govt. Authority ('Uncle Bharat' I Guess) before seeing the light of the day. Guess what from now on I'll buy newspapers just to read the comics.
The media houses with a few exceptions have accepted this Bill. What else can they do under the pressure of 'Uncle Bharat'.
The territorial problems , Kashmir problem ,NE problem are not merely exceptions . If you are not happy with urself let me tell you this : ' We , in the truest of terms , literate , employed , upper middle class indians constitute only 7% of our total population'.
Who are the rest ? the ghosts who stay in slums , in impoverished villages , in non-electrified India.
My disillusionment of authority happened in my college, being a student union spokesperson. I would emphasise on this fact : just being educated and being older and experienced to us in no means undrelines the fact that the representatives of authority are great men , coz they are all products of this value system , plagued by greed , powerhunger and more than anything else they love the chair more than their job and they will do everything in their power to retain their control over things.

Racism is present no matter how much we deny its existence and claim that our government is clean . Its not a fault of India alone , even in Communist(?) China the policy makers and the benefactors are predictably Huns.
They say the world is ruled by the Jews , bcoz of their money power and influence.

For some strange reasons after the independence the pre-independent rich were left almost intact, no more as a king of course they just had to fight an election. Congress was considered as a socialist party then - dont know which society they were fighting for.

The power of indian state is its Pseudo-Demcracy as one of my friends said , our friend and or enemy has no face . You are voting for A , me for B . You might claim that B is a honest guy thats why u vote him. But what we sometimes forget these A, B all belong to party X,Y,Z. While after every election these X,Y ,Z 's permutate and combine themselves to form an authority.
In case you vote for the candidate not the party here's a fact:
92% of Independent candidates have lost in recent Loksabha Elections. It states only one thing : Without Backing of a considerable financial power ally , an efficient machinery one cannot win an election.
We are very fond of advertisement , huge cutouts of our beloved heroes , without them , without SMS alerts on candidates , without huge gatherings and flamboyance we are blind and we cannot choose a detergent let alone the candidate.

What Indian state does efficiently is decentralisation of power , which makes it very difficult to find the enemy of people. The friend and enemy disguises itself. Yes we need a total revealation.
With all due respects to the creators of nation , the country's almost 50% people DO NOT care to go to vote. And parties here claim to power. If the issue is not addressed in all aspects of Socio-economic section , if justice cannot be done to the poor, if opportunity and develpoments means nothing to a huge majority of people I am very sad to say : Its no more democracy but a manipulated military occupation.

Heroes has always emerged , heroes have always walked on their path, if a hero is killed his legacy lives on and breeds thousand heroes . The hero of the day is one who makes his own road ..who lives for a bigger goal...........

We all get a chance to be hero...a path is always open .......But can we see it????

Friday 17 April 2009

We The People

Came through this strange advertisement on a visit to SBI bank, ' A Nano For Every Indian' .
Before I start cursing everyone I would like to put forth data from the World Bank , data about we Indians who have become so rich that thay are all eligible and willing enough to buy a car , well supposedly .

The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) released separate reports that made the denizens of India Inc most indignant. The World Bank report upped its benchmark of extreme poverty by 25 cents from $1 per person a day to $1.25 per person a day. The ADB announced an even higher poverty benchmark of $1.35 per person a day. Media commentaries on these reports provide a glimpse of how outraged some people in Emerging India are about the claims that 42% to 55% of Indians, depending on the benchmark used, live in extreme poverty. (data :2005)

Now the question is who is the target customer for the advertisement ?

We , indians like us , whom we come around in workplaces , pubs, music shops , shopping malls Or the majority of our fellow countrymen , who live in villages or less known places dotted around the map of our country , they the less fortunate ones who live under an income of less than half a dollar per day( World Bank Data).

Stop playing with our minds , I do not and cannot accept the line : 'Nano For Every Indian'.

A bank giving loans to people to buy toys cannot acclaim this fact , do you think I am being critical ? well than its better than being a Big-Mouth Liar.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Self Improvement S***

Thought to write about the state of our company Satyam Computers, I wont go into the details of this whole issue coz we all know it, but what I'll do is to try to find out the bigger picture behind this and what we can learn from it.

Believe it or not this is a classic case of failure of capitalist business environment that survives along with the socialist structure making a conglomerate that is very hard to define, but it survives and thrives in this psedo-democratic structure we live in.

We make people dream to become big, but there are people who are there to exploit on your ruins taking advantage of your aspirations to become richer than your neighbour.

But see the end result , only the taxpayers and commoners who dreamt of making a moolah are at loss, the people who made money are handful only and they will continue to be themselves. Open market means a lot of dreams and a lot of heartbreaks, but point to be noted is the majority of the people certainly not by coincidence belong to the same Socio-economic class , the wannabe rich people.

" Career Is A Twenteith Century Invention And I Dont Want One" - Christopher McCandles.

Saturday 20 December 2008

Religion!!!!Is It Relevant???

Religion is a big and heavy word. When we say religion, when we talk about religion, when we preach we believe it cleanses our soul or atleast it is what it's supposed to do. Religion unites people.Religion gives power.
Now time for some harsh words. God if you do exist, i've heard you are merciful one.
Yes religion unites people , but against whom , no doubt against people of another religion. Religious hatred has given the world the longest lasting war ever : the Crusade(some people call it 'Holy' crusade). Religious fanatics waged war throughout the history of mankind...........still today.The world has seen religious extremism of christian europian countries in the middle ages, and its experiencing muslim fundamentalism still now. Yes we have developed from outside but from inside we are still fanatic stone-age barbarian. Religion makes us a flock of sheep or maybe at times a flock of raging bull, and people are exploited to destroy each other only for the gain or simple whim of a few.
I know what you people are thinking of...these are examples of fanatic fundamentalists who no doubt are to be blamed rather than the religoin itself.........But the point of writing this blog is as a human being we must change...we cannot resist a change no matter how much we try. Once our ancestors ate raw meat and sometimes even each other. But we learned to be social and perhaps we are learning everyday. Religion has evolved too. Once it was a sin punishable to death to say the earth goes around the sun, as it was anti-bible. the stern and to me utter meaningless ritual and customs of every religion worldwide are evolving to cope up with the evolving modern mind of today's people......And who knows perhaps one fine day people won't be divided into different races, colours and religoin......and the so called age old customs will be left behind.
What I believe is that the aim of every religion is to make people rational and with this came the disciplines and customs. Rationality doesn't come with religion only , especially in world of today and religoin can make people irrational we see today. Only time will decide whether religion will win the war against its misconceptions and misinterpretations........if it wins its OK....if it doesn't I believe it has to go just like the many age old practices and rituals that have died with time.

Times We Are Living In

I've been always wondering how it would have been had we been born in any other time than this. Its a kind of romantic idea that maybe gave me a high. Imagine being born in late 60's in US, and experiencing the social as well as musical changes along with the anti-vietnam war movement, rock revolution, WoodStock'69. Or maybe living during the industrial revolution in Europe , and the renaissance period. Or maybe the second World War europe.
The point is , I believed the best time to be born is when the society is undergoing a drastic change, so much so that the surrounding you are born in is utterly different than the society at time of your death.Beliving this thought I always hated this time we are all living, to me it was so monotonous and secure, settled and maybe predictable.
But now I think maybe I was wrong.
History is not made overnight, every day adds and leads to a change, whether the change is gonna happen in near future or not, you just can't rule out the role of a single day, which certainly we do.
The time we are living in is very significant concidering anything and everything. Especially being born in a big country like India we are in fact witnessing a country on a move , for good or worse that's again an another topic of discussion, our economy is growing (supposedly) , our middle class has been pushed up to upper middle class segment, every people we come across has a cell phone, we have cybercafes at remote villages, for the first time in our nation's history we are put forward as an industry based country.
Yes , personally too I've seen some changes, changes in connectivity, changes in weather pattern , changes in atmosphere. A glacier we had trekked in '98 in western sikkim vanished when we went there again in '06, only to find it out 500 metres receded. All of us has seen changes , but sometimes maybe we ignore it.
We are living at a threshold of change, a change so diverse and diffused that any one of us may not absorb the whole of it , just wait and see, and I believe the times we were born will be very different from the time of our death.
That's why I don't have any regrets to be born in this turbulant times.

Terror Today

So what exactly does the word terror stand for? Is it a tool developed by the system to exploit on the ruins of its subjects? Is it a weapon to make us feel scared? Is it a part of global plot to let unrest be alive within us?

What do we exactly mean by terrorism? Is it a alien term? I guess not. We are all grown up in an environment of terror. Remember your school days where you were afraid to be punished and / or humiliated and terrified you did what you didn't want to. The system itself uses terror as a tool to ensure its smooth functioning. What is the point of punishment to a guilty, not only its aim is to bring the criminal to justice but also and more importantly to make it clear to all its subjects that this kind of activity is not approved by the system and so be scared of the punishment.
What the world is facing today is Unexpected terrorism, ya its unexpected to the system we live in also, thats why it is also in fact scared of it.
As a system it is supposed to provide security to us in exchange of our free will, system gives us stability. But look at the fallout of our system, actually its nothing but a group of people living together under a reinforced law manipulated by a handful of our fellow mates for the benefit of a few, a framework which itself runs on terror cannot fight terror.

Stop pretending now.....Step out of your mind....get the bigger picture where there's no virtual lines drawn by selfish human beings.....implement policies that benefit the mass.....stop terrorising with system-sponsored terrorists like policemen.......Let us live free...Live long....Without Fear....Say NO to terrorism......Say YES to pro-mass revolution.